Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Service with S.M.I.L.E.S.!!

For our activity this week we got to go to Sister Richin's house to do a service project in her yard. She had a lot of raking and sweeping and weeding to do and we were glad to help. It was cool that all the YW were so happy to help and served her with S.M.I.L.E.S. - which also stands for something:
S erve
M ore
L ess
E nglarge
S oul

As we serve with a happy heart, we think about ourselves less and about others more - and this really enlarges our soul, it builds character and enables us to become a little more like our Savior. I really appreciate Mandi's devotional about service from Mosiah 2:17: "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Not only did we serve Margaret and bring her a little bit of your sunshine and light, but you were serving our Heavenly Father by showing Him you care. Thanks girls and great job!
Who's in charge here?
Look out below!
Photo-op break

Getting on our game face.
Mandi - she's serious about yardwork
Until it comes to weeding - piece o' cake!
(or should I say brownie?)Anyone know where Morgan went?
What helpers!

Kaitlynn sure looks good next to that rake!
Felicia's about ready to whip out a dance number to "Chim-Chiminey, Chim-Chim-Cheree!"
Alright, back to work
Happy sweepin' with Kenzie!
Is Lonnie really helping?
Queen of the needle pile!
Don't we just love this lady?
Thanks for strikin' a pose while wheelin' Ames!
Yep, we certainly love this lady! Thanks Felicia for helping coordinate it!